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B) You are transcribing an interview where the interviewer is on the phone with an interviewee. At one point, the interviewer mutes the call and has a short conversation with someone in the room with him who does not speak at any other point in the file, and their conversation has nothing to do with the interview. You DO NOT transcribe this side conversation.?

Mar 12, 2019 - Posted by Humbugg in Transcription

1 Responses | 1551 Views

Meghan on 02-24-2020

I don't have much experience but I had this situation once. I called up my supervisor to inquire and she told me that since they (the clients) had opted for verbatim transcription every word had to be transcribed. She also went on to say in case the specifics are not clear, it's best to transcribe in the verbatim way because the client can always delete the text if it is not required. Hope that helps.

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