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Me Nope

Grammar checking tools

Jan 24, 2019 - Posted by Me Nope in Grammar & Writing Tips

2 Responses | 2369 Views

What are some good grammar checking tools out there? I know there's Grammarly. Are there any free ones?

lmptranscription on 05-01-2019

Grammarly actually has a free version as well, though. And the free version is really fairly adequate for most people for most things. The advanced features of the paid version are not going to have a whole lot of bearing on transcription work because the things that they check for are things you would not generally be changing in a document you were transcribing anyway as they would not be the same as what the speaker had said exactly. And I am speaking as someone who, as a college student and a published writer, has the paid version.

Leorio on 03-08-2019

Hi Me Nope, Yes, Grammarly does have a subscription cost. If you’re not yet ready to shell out a monthly amount for it, try Paperrater( for free. Thank you!

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